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Qustion Responses Yes/No/It depends/Choice boxes Comments
Do you regularly call in? 24 9 yes, 15 no's
Of the 15 no's 10 marked "I'm not contributing financially so I didn't think I should give my opinion"
 3 marked "I support family projects but don't want to be involved in decisions..."
 2 marked "I thought only siblings were supposed to call" 
1.  Not at a convenient time
2.  Would support a webinar or open forum
3.  Want to call but things come up
4.  There doesn't seem to be enough accomplished in the call.
As it's progressed to this point, there seems to be a better focus on decision making.
After this process matures a bit more, I will join.
What's the best thing about the family calls?That it happens. Also the good news moment
Family news also lively discussions
Getting to talk to everyone monthly.
Hearing from everyone and hearing different view points
Just visiting and hearing everyone's voices
Hearing about the lives of the other family members and getting the chance to talk with them.
What would you improve?More fun and laughter
Have more attend.
Not sure but continue to work on making everyone feel as if what they say and who they are matters.
Stay focused on one to three items. This started out to be how to take care of Mom and if selling the NS property could be used in some way to do that.
Staying to the point. Cover one item a time, perhaps
I'd make the focus of the call more social and less business.
Are you interested in participating in a family property?9 yes, 1 no's, 12 "it depends" It depends on what?
What would be required of me
I can not contribute financially, and frankly I am concerned about the project causing problems rather than bringing the family together.
I'm rather broke at the moment after moving to Boise! LoL
Location, cost
It's unclear the value of owning something if its used infrequently, versus using that money to go somewhere nicer (and different) on a recurring basis.
How the organization is set up
On where, intent, rules, etc.
I think it might be better for each individual family to have their own property--invite eveyone else over. Doesn't seem like the grandkids are interested and some of us are getting old enough to not want to do it just for the siblings.
On the commitment required. I'm at a time in my life when I'm quite busy already. Adding one more commitment does not appeal to me very much right now.
On if people are committed; will follow through as they committed; clear organizational sharing plan and property checkout lis
Where and how much. How often will we have access to it. Is there cash flow involved. What structure (legal entity) will be in place to ensure fairness: there should be benefit to the whole family, but those that contribute more deserve a bit more of a return (if there is a return).
What would be the best thing about having a family property? Getting together to relax
Being able to vacation with only the cost of travel to worry about
having a specific place to meet for the faminly
meeting spot for the family
being able to get together with family all the time
Set location for reunions.
We would get to spend time together more often.
A family property should be central to most members, scenic, and available year-round for use. The options that are like a time-share aren't attractive unless every contributor gets regular dividends, because one's contribution would then be better applied to choosing a vacation spot w/o tying money up in the deal.
Finally pulling family resources together and working together as a family to achieve this reachable goal.
having a place to vacation once a year & have reunions
Building a history and having some place to gather and form memories that could be shared through generations.
The memories of time together on something that is ours that all are welcome to
A place to have reunions.
It would be nice to have a place to go relax if wanted
vacation property anyone can use to get away
If we do buy a family property how should we pay for it?17Multiple responses were allowed:  Here they are in order of popularity:

9 votes for Small income group buys it, creates shares where others can  buy in as can afford to and allow family to use it a couple of times a year

9 votes for Sell Nova Scotia and buy cheap land, build as we can afford

7 votes for All donate to a down and monthly payments on a non-income producing property

7 votes for All donate to a down and slush fund for income producing

5 vote for Small investment group with no future buy ins

5 votes for Sell Nova Scotia buy income producing property
1 comment: Would there be the possibility that individual families could also use it during the year other than just the family week. In other words for a Hunter, Henry, Spittle, or Long reunion and /or individual vacations not including extended family.
Revisiting Nova Scotia:
Should we sell it?
166 for Yes I thought we already decided this
4 for No we won't make enough after taxes
6 for Yes But we should wait a year to see what happens with taxes and prices
If we buy a family property without selling Nova Scotia would you contribute?17 responded
some only left comments
13 votes as follows
1 for yes
12 for yes if I can tell you how much I can contribute and not how much I have to contribute
4 no
would like to but not able at this time
I honestly don't care if we sell Nova Scotia or not...but there was no I don't have an opinion option so I'm letting you know here. Buying a family property without selling Nova Scotia reflects back to my lack of money again...I needed a I would contribute if I could option
Unsure about whether or not this is even a good time economically to be considering the whole family property issue. Please give my McDonalds certificate to someone else. I will wait for the quilt.
Other commentsthat jason spittle is the coolest
this survey is awesome
Thanks for surveying everyone.
Thank you for taking the time to keep this moving forward. Since there were no maybe's some people weren't sure how to answer. Glad there weren't maybe's..
No other answers until we are on track with the planning. Buying additional property for family property has gotten way beyond the original intent, which was (1) to take care of mom and (2) to make sure she is getting the money she needs each month. Then (3) we were to make sure mom had a home. (4) Finally was to possibly sell NS. I think we are jumping the gun to go right to buying family property. What about the education fund and the primary objectives listed above?

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